It is what it is or It’s all good?

So here is a random post to speak about two popular trains of thought: the enormously popular expression “It is what it is” and the almost as popular statement, “It’s all good.” You may think that both have it merits and given the context of the conversation that prefaces the usage, it may just be the logical ends to the mean. However, I really do not like the “It is what it is” phrase. To me, it sounds so depressing. Just say it to yourself right now, I’ll wait. Did you say it? How did it sound to you. Was it motivating?  Really? Sure, this is simply just my humble honest opinion but after you read the next few paragraphs, you may very well agree with me.

Think about it for a moment. Let’s say something does not go as planned. (This happens to me on a regular basis, but that’s besides point.) Instead of having an attitude of thankfulness, its so easy to say (you know what) and resign to the fact that there was nothing that could be done to change it. That indeed… the circumstances were beyond your control. It’s that “Oh well, such is life” state of mind that just drives me crazy every time I hear those 5 words of contentment: Ok,you can say it again…

I do not want to be just content. There is no joy at being content. Life is too short, precious, and full of purpose to just be…(you get the idea by now.) I want to take that frown and turn it upside down (when’s the last time you heard that one)  I want to give praise and glory to the one and only God though my trial and tribulations and shout “It’s all good!”

It’s all about having a positive mindset. Yes, I can truly say this expression on a daily basis because I know God has my back. He cares for me more that I care for myself. He turns all my trials to his will. One of my favorite verses from God’s Holy Bible give me this assurance:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

But here’s the key, we must love God. We must be called according to his purpose, living in the middle of His will and our True Purpose or all things will not work together for good.

I can mean it when I say (and yes, I will proudly exclaim it again) It’s all Good!  I am standing on the promises of God on a daily basis, and I don’t want to go back to the ways of a hopeless lost individual. I am not lost anymore and that is the point.

Plan of Attack: Its time to jump up and shout. Praise God and Glory to his name, I am a child of God!  Don’t let anyone discourage you. You are worth more than many sparrows! You have a home in Heaven if you belong to the family of God. Yes, my brothers and sisters, it is indeed All Good!

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An Open Letter…

Dear Friends,

I have shared this devotional journal with many in the past few months but I myself have neglected to write in this space for over a year. I am writing today not only because of the request of others but also due to the fact that this is part of my role to proudly proclaim the Gospel.

My prayer is that these words may be used to let others know that our lives have a clear design. Though prayer and meditation,we can know that our time on earth has a specific directive that will assist in the growing God’s Kingdom. As I have written in the past, We are instruments of the Lord. Each one us has a part to play in the grand symphony of God’s plan. All the glory and honor for the work that we accomplish does not belong to us. It belongs to God!

One day, we will be rewarded for our labor. It will not on this earth but in Heaven. What a time that will be! I was reminded today as I taught in our adult Sunday School class, that written in the end of the book of Revelation, in the framework of Heaven, there will be no need for a temple, we will always be in the presence of our Holy God! No more sorrow, pain, night or sin. We will truly be walking on streets of Gold.

At this moment, I ask my Heavenly Father to lead, guide and direct me to where I need to be. Let my thoughts become focused on only pure things. Let my actions be always pleasing to you. Let me put away the things that distract me from my true purpose. I ask this in the blessed and precious name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen

Until He Comes,


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Wanting the Best- A Random Thought

This is just a short post to remind myself that I should not settle for failure. Failure and loss are a part of life, but we were made for better things

We will never fail in the eyes of God if we belong to Him.

God is always and only good.. not sometimes but all the time.

I need to remember that what I see as loss, God sees as gain.

I need to remember that its ok to wonder…

One day all the answers will be known.

One day.. and its becomes sooner all the time.

Thanks for reading!


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Letting Go. or, Pressing the Reset Button.

Time for a new post.  I have been thinking for several days now about why the concept of…Letting go, seems to be on mind a lot.  I have not come up with a definite reason but I know that the part of the true purpose of my life is more about actions and less about pondering.

But on this windy day on March 27, Easter 2016, I have found the time to share my  thoughts about an action that we all need to accomplish. I need to let go of many things: worry, doubt, the stronghold of the world, temptations, and fear. Just when I think that I have put my total faith in God, sin gets in way and I realize that I am holding on to the notion that my way in any situation is best. I know that my way may often be not His way, yet as Paul writes in  Romans Chapter 7. The is no good thing in me and that my nature will perform the deeds that are not good.

But the good news is that my sins are paid in full because of the death, and resurrection of my Lord, Jesus. We celebrate this milestone every Sunday but Easter is a good reminder that God is in control. He is alive forevermore!

Listen to this song by a group called 33 Miles. The song is called “What Could be Better”

This song is a reminder to me that my home is heaven is being prepared for me and what a day it will be when I get there!


Let’s Press the Reset Button






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2016- A year to teach the masses about our Lord!

It’s time to get serious about our true purpose.

It’s time to share the Gospel, no matter the cost.

It’s time to Pray.

It’s time to be more vocal about the consequences of living life without a Savior.

It’s a time for Compassion, for Love, for Joy.

Now is the time to get excited about the future.


What time is it?


The answer is all around us.

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A Thankful Time.

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks,right? Sure it is, but wait, there’s more to think about that just spending time with family and counting our blessings.

As a writer in search of our true purpose, we need to also remember that without the gift that out Lord and Savior offers to us, we would eventually run of reasons to be thankful. I am glad that my days will continue unto everlasting life. I hope to always lead a thankful life.

We need to continue to plant the seed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and let the Holy Spirit work in the lives of those who need the Lord!  (Everyone needs to have the Lord Jesus be  the ruler of our lives. Yet many will not see it this way and will choose to reject the free gift.



Today is the day of Salvation! I strive to be a vessel of God’s word. My prayer is for strength and opportunities to lead other to Christ, before it is t0o late.



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My Life in the 21st Century- Part 3: Working the Plan

This post is the 42nd entry to my devotional Journal. 42 is one of my favorite numbers as well as it is the answer to the ultimate question about Life, the Universe and Everything. (or at least this is what Douglas Adams jokingly thought when he wrote the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy)

But on a more serious note, this is a turning point in my journal as I attempt to write more about the actions we all can do on a daily basis to truly live out our true purpose.  We have a guidebook, (the Bible) that gives us  precise directions for daily living. We all need to work the plan according to His directions and not on our opinion of what we think is best.

This is the day that the Lord has made! If we don’t tell others about Jesus, who will?

If we don’t pray for others. who will?

If we don’t take time to study the Word, who will remind us?

Time is to precious to just sit back and hope that others will fill in for our shortcomings.

The time is now. Don’t wait any longer!


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My Life in the 21st Century-Part 2:Motivation

In my last venture in this journal, I wrote about the way  that I need to go in order to fulfill my true purpose. And to summarize, this path is already blazed before me, I just need to follow the directions (God’s Word) and do my best to stay on course.

But while I navigate my path, I must always keep in mind the motivation for this journey.As a servant to my Savior, I must first forsake all my personal desires, and remind myself on a daily basis, that the only reason I am the person that I am, is because of what Christ did for me. I am not a good person by my own merits. In fact no one is. I only have the righteousness of God that dwells within me because I put my trust in him. Christ is worthy of our praise because, he paid the price for our sin though his death and resurrection. This is the basic truth of Christianity, yet to most of the world this is foolishness. Yes, most of the world will believe in a higher power. But there is only one true God, and as I have said before, one day every one will bow down and worship him. But to many, this will be to late as they will be thrown into the lake of fire (Hell) because of their unbelief.

Sound familiar? Sure many of us have heard this all before and may wonder why I am repeating it here.  This reason comes down to our key word: motivation. I believe if we truly understood the punishment for unbelief in God, we would use all our energy that we have to keep even our enemies away from Hell. Our true enemy is not a person, it is Satan and his band of fallen angels. they have no hope. But while we are alive, hope is here. Unless a person dies without being saved from sin, there is hope.  This is where we who believe and know the Truth come on the scene. To tell others that there is a better way through the one true God.

Time is short and the laborers are few. I ask you what other motivation do we need?



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My Life in the 21st Century- Part 1 : Direction

I don’t even try to understand how “Life” works. There is knowledge that can only be obtained on a need to know basis and I think I am better off without knowing the deep mysteries of the Universe. I do know that my God has my best interest at heart because I trusted Him with my life. And because of this, I know He will take care of me.. no matter what path I tread upon. He directs my path (so I don’t have to.)

My direction in the year ahead is to keep moving forward in my career ( which I truly enjoy) but also to write more and to find a more defined public speaking path. I am excited to see how I can be used to proclaim the Truth. Hey, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that this world is a mess! But I have a comfort that surpasses all things and I know that everything will be alright, or as I tend to often say “It’s All good!”

My family is my rock and without them I am nothing. I take great pleasure in proclaiming that they are the most important people in my life. I look forward to many family adventures this year

So That’s who I am (and just like the Hokey-Pokey) that’s what its all about.

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A Thought on the Parable :The Good Samaritian

Happy New Year!

I have not written in this journal for many months but I know that it is part of my true purpose to share that a life without Christ really is not living at all!

In my last post, I was about to share my thoughts about the parable that is often referred to as The Good Samaritan. But I first must say that I do not believe that Jesus would have given this parable this name. Why not? The Samaritan was not doing anything  that we would do not do.

In fact, he was showing compassion to someone who needed it. Isn’t this what we are all called to do. God’s Word says we are to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Even Jesus once questioned why some one called him good. He said there is only one that is good and that is God? Was he talking about himself? This is an interesting thought.

A Question to Answer– So I ask you, dear reader, to answer this question: What do you feel is the greatest obstacle that we have from keeping us from living for our own true purpose? I will share my thoughts on the subject soon!

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